Grand Rapids Real Estate Market Insights w/ Steve Volkers - July 2022
Posted by Admin Volkers on
Video Transcript:
Hey, I'm Steve Volkers and we're the Steve Volkers Group. I think it's like a lair now. I feel like this is our like, like secret sauce lair but we are doing the July numbers in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is basically Kent county. The data that we get from our association each month, big cab behind the camera puts together.
This booklet of information. It is data that is, is accessible by agents, but Kev puts all of his fancy spins on it, adds all kinds of math to it. And so then I get to spill out the information that Kev does with real life stories, working with buyers and sellers. So we have been talking about the market shift or last month, if you played along all the verbs or all the nouns or whatever, I'm not good…
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