As summer gives way to autumn, it's time to shift our focus from pool parties and barbecues to fall yard maintenance. The changing leaves and cooler temperatures signal the need for some crucial tasks to ensure your yard remains beautiful and healthy. In this email, we'll discuss the top five tips for fall yard maintenance that will help you prepare your outdoor space for the upcoming winter months. 

1. Rake and Remove Leaves

One of the most iconic aspects of fall is the vibrant display of colorful leaves falling from trees. While they may be beautiful, those leaves can become a nuisance if left unattended in your yard. A thick layer of fallen leaves can block sunlight and trap moisture, leading to a host of issues like lawn diseases and dead…

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Download the September Data PDF


(Video Transcript)

 Hey, I'm Steve Volkers, Steve Volkers Group, now at Five Star. So, we added another brand connected to us and made a move. So, if you haven't seen the video, feel free, we'll post it again down below, maybe in the comments that you can see why we made the move to Five Star. But we are talking about the market. Like always, we've got the real estate market data that Kevin puts together for us. And I've got a lot of tabs today, a lot of tabs. Trying to figure out what's going on and I get it that everybody doesn't really know But I think we're maybe I put down on my notes here maybe stabilizing That's my hope or my goal right now is to try to see if the data starting to show stability.

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Homeownership comes with a myriad of joys and responsibilities. One of the responsibilities that homeowners often encounter is dealing with potential property damage, whether caused by natural disasters, accidents, or even the actions of their neighbors. A common scenario that raises questions about home insurance coverage is when a neighbor's tree falls onto your house. Who is responsible for the damages, and whose insurance pays for it? In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of this situation and provide insights into how home insurance typically works in such cases.

Determining Liability

The first step in understanding how insurance coverage comes into play when a neighbor's tree falls on your house is determining liability.…

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As the final days of summer unfold, August presents a perfect opportunity for homeowners to tackle essential maintenance tasks that will help ensure a well-kept and comfortable living space. As temperatures transition and the season starts to wind down, taking care of your home now can prevent potential issues down the road. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best home maintenance tips for August, helping you maintain your property's value and functionality.

1. Check and Clean Your Gutters

With the fall season just around the corner, ensuring your gutters are clean and free from debris is essential to prevent clogs that could lead to water damage. Remove leaves, sticks, and other debris from your gutters and downspouts to ensure proper…

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Download the August Data PDF


(Video Transcript)

Hey, it's Steve at the Steve Volkers Group. Of course, we're in our office in downtown Grand Rapids, and it's another monthly update, the data is in. So then we go through the data. Kevin puts together this really great book for us. If you haven't downloaded it or gotten it, It's worth getting.  I think it's worth getting, and I know the data is not for everyone.

It's for some people, but not for all. But, hopefully recording it and putting a video out, you take a couple of minutes to think about what's going on. So this is our monthly update. We do it every month. It is for August we're talking about, but obviously, it's in arrears. So all the data is July's data and past, so.

We have…

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A REALTOR® plays a valuable role when buying a new construction home, just as they do when purchasing a resale property. Despite the perception that new construction homes involve fewer complexities, having a REALTOR® by your side can provide several benefits and ensure a smooth process. Here's how a REALTOR® fits in when buying a new construction home:

1. Expertise and Guidance: A REALTOR® brings a wealth of knowledge about the local real estate market, including new construction developments. They can provide insights into neighborhoods, builders, and trends, helping you make informed decisions based on your preferences and needs.

2. Negotiation: Contrary to popular belief, there's still room for negotiation when purchasing a new construction…

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When it comes to insurance, transparency, and knowledge are paramount for both policyholders and insurance companies. Insurers need accurate information to assess risk and offer appropriate coverage, while consumers deserve access to their insurance records to ensure fair treatment and make informed decisions. One crucial tool in this domain is the CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) insurance report. In this blog post, we'll explore what CLUE reports are, how insurance companies use them, and how you can access your own CLUE report.

What is a CLUE Insurance Report?

The CLUE insurance report is a comprehensive database maintained by LexisNexis, a data analytics company. It compiles and stores information about an individual's…

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Homeownership is a significant milestone in many people's lives, symbolizing stability, security, and a place to call your own. However, being a homeowner also comes with responsibilities, expenses, and occasional challenges. It can be a bit overwhelming to go from renting or living with family where when issues arose with the home, it was not your responsibility to deal with or fix them. However, there are many amazing resources offered for residents of Kent County that help negate some of the stress that comes with maintaining a home you own.

Home Repair Services

  1. The City of Grand Rapids recognizes the importance of maintaining safe and well-maintained homes. The Home Repair Services (HRS) program offers free and low-cost repairs to…

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I had big plans to call this blog post the Summer of Scams, you know like a play on words on of the Son of Sam case from New York back in the Summer of 1977. Then I realized not everyone is obsessed with true crime like I am, so it probably wouldn’t make sense, yet here I am telling you anyway and can’t think of a more clever title. But the fact is this crime spree of scams happening in real estate is not like the Son of Sam case and has been going on all over the country, and not just in the summer. Buying or selling a house usually involves the movement of hundreds of thousands of dollars from one person to another by way of a title company in most cases, so you can imagine all the bad people out there with some technological savvy try to prey on…

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This week, I closed on my fifth deal as a solo agent. As of this closing, I have now officially sold over one million dollars of real estate. Although I pride myself on being an agent who cares most about my client's experience rather than total volume, achieving over one million sold in just over six months of being a solo agent feels like an accomplishment worth celebrating. As I’ve reached this milestone, I have been reflecting on the lessons I have learned in the past six months. There are many things I wish I could go back and tell myself a year ago about the roller coaster that is a career in real estate. Although I can’t time travel to talk to my past self, I figured the next best thing would be to write about lessons I have learned and advice…

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