Grand Rapids Area Real Estate Report w/Steve Volkers - September 2023
Posted by Admin Volkers on
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(Video Transcript)
 Hey, I'm Steve Volkers, Steve Volkers Group, now at Five Star. So, we added another brand connected to us and made a move. So, if you haven't seen the video, feel free, we'll post it again down below, maybe in the comments that you can see why we made the move to Five Star. But we are talking about the market. Like always, we've got the real estate market data that Kevin puts together for us. And I've got a lot of tabs today, a lot of tabs. Trying to figure out what's going on and I get it that everybody doesn't really know But I think we're maybe I put down on my notes here maybe stabilizing That's my hope or my goal right now is to try to see if the data starting to show stability.
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