Download the November PDF

Hey, I'm Steve, and this is a Steve Volkers group in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and this is market data update. We are in December, obviously we're talking in arrears, so we're talking about November's data. And passed, and it has been eventful this year. Kevin, I, uh, I just wanna say thank you behind the camera. I gotta take a picture of you, big guy, because this has been fun.

We started this at the beginning of the year just with the idea that things were gonna change. We could see a shift coming or something was gonna adjust. I noticed a lot of agents were just publishing stuff saying, oh, this is never gonna end. This is gonna be amazing. Um, and then we saw a correction, so we want to talk about that.

Um, and…

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Download the October PDF

The real estate market lags what is happening now in the financial's time to focus on your goals.

Hey, I'm Steve Volkers with obviously the Steve Volkers group in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and this is our market update. It is now November, and we just got done talking about Christmas. I am a Christmas guy. I really like the holidays. So you know, just for anybody that wants to. Christmas music is out and it's okay for me at least.

We have some, you know, scrooges in the office that don't agree with me this morning, but that's okay. Let's get into the market data. So market data. November, and obviously we're talking about the data for October that came out, that big Kev behind the camera put together for…

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(Video transcript - auto-generated)

Hey, I'm Steve Volkers and this is a Steve Volkers group, and this is our October update on the data that big Kevin puts together for us on the market, the residential real estate market in West Michigan. Uh, it's October, mid-October, right? So we got a little bit delayed on this because.

Behind the camera got engaged. Congrats Kev. And was in Europe for the last three weeks and just enjoying life, which we love that he could do. So we're gonna go through that. Obviously, the data is September's data, right? And then we're reviewing it in October. And with anything, stuff can change quickly, but it.

It's a good time all of a sudden. Right? It's an interesting time. The sentiment out there is people are…

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Video transcript:

Hey guys, I'm Steve. And this is the Steve Volkers Group, and this is September's market data update dump. I'm gonna try to keep it at 10 minutes. We'll see Kev. I don't know. I might be able to do it this this month. I feel like some of it might be possible, but we're using obviously August data Kev puts together this big book for us from our association, and then he chops it all up and we get lots of great.

Feel free to put a comment below in the video. If you want a copy of this, if you don't have a copy, we're welcome to send it to you each month. But this month I, I got this fancy new notebook, so I'm gonna use it cab, but. The topic of this month is don't chase the market. That’s what we talked about in our meeting…

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Video Transcript:

Hey, I'm Steve Volkers and we're the Steve Volkers Group. I think it's like a lair now. I feel like this is our like, like secret sauce lair but we are doing the July numbers in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is basically Kent county. The data that we get from our association each month, big cab behind the camera puts together.

This booklet of information. It is data that is, is accessible by agents, but Kev puts all of his fancy spins on it, adds all kinds of math to it. And so then I get to spill out the information that Kev does with real life stories, working with buyers and sellers. So we have been talking about the market shift or last month, if you played along all the verbs or all the nouns or whatever, I'm not good…

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Download the Data PDF

Video transcript:

Hey, I'm Steve Volkers. This is the Steve Volkers group, which is my name kind of goofy. Right. But it's my company. So it's my name. We are talking market data and we're gonna talk, this is, uh, the July episode, but talking June to the past and we've been rolling with this Kev. I feel like we got a pattern going.

I talk too long, even though I'm gonna be sort of shorter every time in my mind, but there's always good things to talk about. This came out of just my 16 years of experience. A lot of people ask me about the market what's happening in residential real estate market in west, Michigan and economy and those kind of things.

And I just like keeping up with it. So, uh, Kev was like, we…

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Hey, I'm Steve Volkers broker owner of the Steve Volkers group here in the great city of Grand Rapids, Michigan and summer has started for us. Sun's coming out right now, and 61 degrees today feels like summer. But anyway, it's kind of fun to be able to enjoy what we call is bingeing summer in west Michigan, but you're not here to listen to me.

Talk about summer and all my fun activities, your here, because Kevin and I are throwing down. The monthly data, right for the last month kept throws this booklet together for free download…grab-it, snag-it. He's constantly adding new sheets. So he added the, the interest rate sheet right this month. So you can sort of see a trend since 2017 to now we're definitely higher, uh, where the, where the peak of…

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Video transcript:

Hey, I'm Steve Volkers broker owner of the Steve Volkers group in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And this is our monthly market update. This is like three in a row Kev. This is pretty legit that we're actually making. What is it like if you got to do 90 days for a habit? So maybe we're, maybe we're making a habit here, but we are talking market data.

Feel free to watch the last two episodes, which sort of built into this month's data. First episode was really about the inventory shortage, still feeling the crunch of that. We talked a lot about new construction and the fact that new construction hasn't come online. To having that issue, which is what the big spike was in pricing over the last six months.

Then, we started talking…

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Hey, I'm Steve Volkers and it is the next month. And we started talking about sort of financials and what's going on in the real estate market in West Michigan, but also sort of nationally what's playing out, which then becomes local. So every month Kevin and I are just recording this video.

And so this might be a long one. I don't know. Cause it's just really my rambling and the stuff I find in my head just it's about the finances this time about, uh, what's happening in the marketplace. So I've got a couple of stories, and data to back that up. Um, last month, if you missed it, we did talk about sort of the inventory and where I felt that was coming from. Mostly, it was based on new construction, right? So there's a new construction lack, um,…

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Battle bugs before they bite (or sting!) you — and check the attic for problems. Tackling five simple tasks now gives you a head start on spring. That leaves you plenty of worry-free time to enjoy the warmer weather.

#1 Tell Insects to Bug Off

Early spring warmth awakens insects, so start to protect your home now. Seal openings in eaves, decks, and other structures to keep out carpenter bees.

Nix mosquitoes by eliminating standing water or treating it with larvicide. Call a pro to destroy wasp and yellow jacket nests, unless you're experienced enough to engage in a bee battle.

#2 Prep Tools for Lawn Care

Ladies and gentlemen, start your mowers. April's the month to get this vital piece of equipment ready to roll. An unmaintained machine…

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